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Fauna makes shop dev and updates easy for eCommerce


A demo is a free 30-minute Zoom meeting with one of our Fauna pros to see Fauna in action and discuss its potential for your project. Scheduled via Calendly.


The Agile Database for eCommerce & Retail


See Fauna in action with a thirty minute demo and explore its potential for your application.


The Agile Database for eCommerce & Retail

A demo is a free 30-minute Zoom meeting with one of our Fauna pros to see Fauna in action and discuss its potential for your project. Scheduled via Calendly.

Store Data


Storing and relating  detailed product and user metadata at scale, including descriptions, specifications, customer information, and prices.


Fauna’s document-relational model offers developers the optionality to normalize or embed evolving eCommerce and Retail data when needed. Seamlessly adjust to schema and access pattern changes through Fauna’s document flexibility with relational power.

Process Orders


eCommerce and Retail applications require efficient, fast, and accurate transactions and have high-scale write demands. Eventually consistent or single-region databases require extensive engineering operations to accommodate this.


Fauna's distributed transaction engine (DTE) delivers strong consistency and low latency across the globe without any engineering operations, ensuring transactions are processed reliably and accurately.

Manage Inventory


Synchronizing inventory information across multiple regions and time zones is essential for eCommerce and Retail companies, but requires extensive engineering operations for legacy databases.


Fauna provides the strongest level of consistency across regions, essential for maintaining accurate inventory levels and managing stock to avoid over-selling or stockouts for multi-region retailers and eCommerce and Retail applications.

Personalize Shopping


E-Commerce and Retail applications need to serve content that’s context-aware, including user behavior, location, and purchase history. This facilitates personalized content, product recommendations, and targeted marketing.


Fauna’s API delivery model, distribution profile, and its flexible querying and indexing capabilities pairs well with edge compute functions to drive performant global personalization engines that serve data closer to customers for ultra-fast page loads and product lookup.

Store Data


Storing and relating detailed product and user metadata at scale, including descriptions, specifications, customer information, and prices.


Fauna’s document-relational model gives developers the flexibility to normalize or embed data when needed, allowing developers to nimbly adjust to the complex and dynamic access patterns associated with the evolving nature of e-commerce metadata relationships.

Process Orders


Efficient, fast, and accurate transactions with high-scale write demands of e-commerce order processing are taxing on systems.


Fauna's distributed transaction engine (DTE) delivers strong consistency and low latency across the globe, ensuring transactions are processed reliably and accurately to avoid errors and financial discrepancies.

Process Orders


Synchronizing inventory information across multiple regions and time zones is essential for global e-commerce companies.


Fauna provides the strongest level of consistency across regions, essential for maintaining accurate inventory levels and managing stock to avoid over-selling or stockouts for multi-region e-commerce applications.

Personalize Shopping


E-commerce applications need to serve content that’s context-aware, including user behavior, location, and purchase history. This facilitates personalized content, product recommendations, and targeted marketing.


Fauna’s API delivery model, distribution profile, and its flexible querying and indexing capabilities pairs well with edge compute functions to drive performant global personalization engines that serves data closer to customers for ultra-fast page loads and product lookup.

Why do eCommerce and Retail brands use Fauna for their database?

eCommerce and Retail applications maintain diverse functionality and data types that often require leveraging multiple databases. Fauna offers the flexibility of a single database that supports both semi-structured and relational data instead of stitching together multiple databases – all delivered through Fauna’s globally distributed footprint for superior performance.

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Faster Delivery Cycles with Flexible Data Modeling

Whether it's complex product catalogs or intricate user relationships, Fauna’s flexible data modeling and schema enforcement capabilities allow eCommerce and Retail platforms to adjust to changing business conditions without having to re-platform. Avoid over-duplication of data and reduce payload sizes for quicker response times.


Deploy Globally, Transact Locally

Fauna's distributed transaction engine auto-replicates data across distributed nodes and is multi-active. This means each database node executes reads and writes, leading to a faster and more reliable user experience. Offload concerns about seasonal spikes in traffic to a fully managed service that can scale up and down when needed and remains operational even when faced with a regional outage.


Uncompromised Transaction Integrity

Fauna serves ACID transactions across regions – offering eCommerce and Retail applications the ability to handle high transaction volumes without compromising on data integrity, cost, performance, or architectural complexity. This empowers eCommerce and Retail businesses to expand their market reach and adapt to varying customer demands without the effort and cost required in traditional databases.


Adjust to Fluctuating Demand with Effortless Scalability with Serverless

Fauna’s serverless architecture and HTTPS delivery model eliminates costly connection pools and makes it fully compatible with cloud functions that auto-scale to meet demand, while automatically routing requests to the nearest replica for low latency through Fauna’s native Intelligent Routing. Fauna scales up when demand increases, directly tying your costs to your revenue.


Increase revenue by driving higher conversion rates

A one-second delay in page response can drastically reduce conversion rates. By leveraging a distributed-by-default database optimized for low latency and high availability, you not only enhance user experience but also significantly increase the likelihood of turning visitors into buyers.

Reduce infrastructure costs by simplifying your stack

Fauna’s serverless delivery model eliminates the need for provisioning, capacity planning, sharding, replication, and more. Meanwhile, Fauna reduces the need for complex, multi-region infrastructure setups and data replication mechanisms, which can be costly and difficult to manage. For eCommerce and Retail platforms, this means being able to re-allocate your engineering team to improving your platform instead of  undifferentiated maintenance.

Iterate and get to market faster with distribution-by-default

Fauna's distributed transaction engine trivializes scaling an application across the globe. Outside of the core engineering complexity associated with scaling globally when building on traditional databases, eCommerce businesses also typically need to reason around complex data residency requirements. 

Fauna’s concept of Region Groups enables data to be stored in specific geographic locations, ensuring compliance with regional data protection laws and regulations.

How it works


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Quick start

Get up and running quickly with an interactive introduction to Fauna


Multi-tenant eCommerce Sample App

Learn how to build a multi-tenant, multi-region eCommerce app without ops using Fauna and AWS


New to Fauna Query Language?

This guide can help you get started with FQL in under 10 minutes.



Learn how to build complete applications using technology like AWS, Cloudflare, and more.



Have other questions? Feel free to contact us, or browse our documentation.

What is Fauna?

How much does Fauna cost?

What are typical scalability challenges for e-commerce databases and how does Fauna address these challenges?

How do traditional databases support different data types and what is Fauna’s approach?

How do typical databases adapt to shifting access patterns? How does Fauna adapt to shifting access patterns?

How does Fauna support multy-tenancy?

Ready to get started? Launch a new app, modernize an existing app, and scale seamlessly across regions with FQL.

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